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News and Announcements

🚀 Children of the Universe 🚀 won 5 awards at the 29th Đurđevdan Children's Song Festival

Children of the Universe returned from the 29th International 'Đurđevdan Children's Song Festival' with 5 awards! Sisters Tara and Zola Ristić shared the stage with the BASICS school dance ensemble on May 13 in Banja Luka, under the mentorship of our dear teacher Dajana Zilić, who also choreographed this performance. Here are our awards:

  • Third prize for composition

  • Award for Best Lyrics

  • Award for Best Choreography / Theatrical Performance

  • Award for Best Production

  • Special Recognition for Youngest Performer (Zola)⁣

Congratulations to everyone who participated in this project: Đorđe Jovančić (school director and song author); Mina Petrović (vocal teacher); Adelisa Saračević (vocal teacher and choir conductor); Dajana Zilić (dance teacher); Ana Gluhović (pedagogue); Marko Jovančić (video production); Dragan Jovančić (driver); Nada Jovančić (props); Nina Čizmić-Đurić (best Basics mom); Aleksandar Ristić and Lejla Burnazović Ristić (Tara and Zola's parents), as well as the parents of all the children who participated. ⁣

Below, you can watch the music video for the song 'Children of the Universe':



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Organizational Unit: BASICSchool​

Address: Dabrobosanska 10, Dobrinja 1,

71123 East Sarajevo

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