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News and Announcements

Sisters Tara and Zola Ristić are participants in the 29th International Đurđevdan Children's Song Festival

This year’s participants in the largest children’s song festival in Southeastern Europe - Djurdjevdanski festival are sisters Tara and Zola Ristić! 🥳 Tara and Zola have been attending our school since they were four years old, and this year they have been selected as participants in the 29th International Đurđevdan Children's Song Festival.

They will perform the song 🪐 Children of the Universe 🪐, for which the music, lyrics, arrangement, and production are by our director Đorđe Jovančić.

You can vote for Tara and Zola by leaving a 👍 on the music video for the song 'Children of the Universe,' which is available on the festival's official Facebook page. You can access the video here: OVOM LINKU!

Watch us live on May 13 on RTRS at 5 PM.⁣

🪐 🪐 🪐


Chers enfants, nous vous envoyons un salut chaleureux de l’Univers.

Dear children, we send you a warm greeting from distant space.

La situation sur la Terre, votre planète, nous inquiète beaucoup.

The situation on Earth, your wondrous planet, concerns us greatly.

Puisque nous vous connaissons, même si vous ne nous connaissez pas,

Since we know about you, even though you don’t know about us,

cela n’a jamais été aussi dangereux.

it has never been more dangerous.

Nous, Extraterrestres, ne sommes pas exactement verts avec de grandes têtes.

We, as you call us - aliens, are not exactly green with big heads.

Mais nous avons un grand cœur

But we do have big hearts

et nous vous envoyons un dernier appel pour un voyage dans l’Univers.

and we send you a final call for boarding on a journey into space.

🪐 🪐 🪐

Packed up all our wishes

Full bags, cakes, and candies

We're leaving this planet

We built a ship from loops

All rockets for flight are ready

So they never return

We are the children of the new era

Our mission is cosmic

We fly now to where there is no unrest

On the path of new dreams

Because we want to be new

Because we want to be children of the universe

🪐 🪐 🪐

Il n'y a pas de guerre ici,

Here, we do not have wars,

les enfants ne meurent pas à cause de la négligence des adultes,

Children do not die because of adult negligence,

il n'y a pas de violence, il n'y a pas de dépression

There is no violence, no depression

et nous ne crions pas les noms péjoratifs lors des compétitions sportives.

and we do not call each other derogatory names at sports events.

Nos écoles sont formidables, nous mangeons beaucoup des bonbons

Our schools are wonderful, we eat lots of candy

et personne n'est jamais malade.

and no one is ever ill.

Nous n'avons pas d'hôpitaux, mais nous avons des salles de jeux où nous rêvons,

We do not have hospitals, but we have playrooms where we watch cartoons, dream,

jouons et personne ne nous le défend.

play and no one stops us."

🪐 🪐 🪐

Our bags are full of love

For love gives us strength

To create new galaxies

We are leaving now without doubt

Let the Moon wave us goodbye

We will bring new fantasies

We are the children of the new era

Our vision is cosmic

We fly to the bright stars of love

On the path of new dreams

Because we want to be new

Because we want to be children of love

🪐 🪐 🪐

Ici, l’amour est notre religion, et l’Univers entier est un état.

Here, love is our religion, and the entire universe is a state.

Nous sommes des enfants de l’Univers et nous aimons les êtres de toutes les galaxies,

We are children of the Universe and we love beings from all galaxies,

et nous prenons soin des enfants de toutes les planètes.

and we especially care for the children of all planets.

C’est pourquoi nous vous invitons chez nous,

That is why we invite you to join us,

car il y a de la place pour des milliards d’autres d’entre vous ici.

for there is room for billions more of you here.

Que nous riions sans soucis en sautant sur les étoiles

Let us laugh carefree while jumping on the stars

parce que nous sommes des enfants de l’Univers!

because we are children of the Universe!"

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