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Preschool & Preparatory Division

Preschool & Preparatory Division (PPD) is a department offering innovative preschool and preparatory education for children aged 0 to 6 through the following programs:

  1. Music Playroom (0-3 years)

  2. Music Workshop (3-6 years)

  3. Ballet School (3-6 years)


1. Music Playroom

Music Playroom for babies and children aged 0 to 2 is a program based on collective music-making and play, through which children learn new concepts and their first words.

Children attend the playroom accompanied by a parent or another close adult. The goal is for both the children and the parents to learn our songs, connecting through a shared activity. This helps children grow happily through music.

Music plays a vital role in the early development of children. It creates feelings of relaxation and comfort, stimulates the brain, and supports the development of speech and other psychomotor processes. Early exposure to music activities also fosters a child’s innate musical abilities, which are crucial during their growth. Children with a stronger musical foundation tend to develop better self-esteem and improved social skills.

Nowadays, musical activities for young children often focus on listening to music on YouTube. One advantage of our Music Playroom is that all songs the children learn are sung and played live on real instruments.

Children tend to remember songs best when sung by their mothers. We invite all parents to join us in singing cheerful songs, playing small instruments, and listening to selected music with their children.

Classes are held in small groups once a week, in Serbian/Croatian/Bosnian or English. This means there are four classes per month. Classes take place in modern, well-equipped rooms, with afternoon schedules.

The Music Playroom program lasts one school year (from October to June), divided into three semesters. When the child is ready to attend classes without the parent's presence, they can move to our Music Workshop program, which offers a wider variety of activities tailored to the child’s age.


2. Music Workshop

Music Workshop for children aged 3 to 6 is a program based on play and animation, through which young children are introduced to singing, playing instruments, and music as an art form.

Early musical stimulation is much more effective in developing musicality than later exposure. Most children who begin music-making at an early age can easily follow the demands of formal music education later on. Music Workshops provide an excellent foundation for further music education.

The Music Workshop program also serves as preparatory instruction for identifying affinities and talents in children, which may lead them to pursue classical music education in the CMD department of the school.

In addition to musical abilities, the program encourages the development of several social skills that are essential when children enter the regular school system. We work on concentration, patience, teaching children to wait their turn, mutual respect, and cooperation. Music is a valuable tool in this educational process. We strive to balance love and authority, serious tasks, and play.

Classes are held in groups of up to 10 students once a week, in Serbian/Croatian/Bosnian or English. There are four classes per month. The program runs in modern, well-equipped rooms, with classes scheduled in the afternoon.

The Music Workshop program lasts one school year (from October to June) and is divided into three semesters. Different groups are formed based on the children’s age and knowledge levels. Children can attend the workshop every year until they turn seven, after which they can continue with lessons in one of the classical sections in the CMD department or the EAEU department, where art, science, and technology converge, offering students the opportunity to develop their talents and become future leaders.

When children finish the Music Workshop, they receive an official transcript that includes descriptive evaluations of all the skills acquired during the program. They also receive a certificate of attendance, which requires active participation in the program for at least one school year.


3. Ballet School

Ballet School is a program for children aged 3 to 6, introducing them to ballet and music as art forms. In addition, ballet classes help children develop social skills through group activities and interaction with peers.

Make your first dance steps with us! Classes are held in groups of up to 10 students once a week, in Serbian/Croatian/Bosnian or English. There are four classes per month. The program runs in modern, well-equipped rooms, with classes scheduled in the afternoon.

The Ballet School program lasts one school year (from October to June), divided into three semesters. Different groups are formed based on the children’s age and knowledge levels. Children can attend ballet classes each year until they turn seven, after which they can continue with lessons in one of the classical sections in the CMD department or the EAEU department, where art, science, and technology converge, offering students the opportunity to develop their talents and become future leaders.

Upon completion of the Ballet School, an official transcript is issued, including descriptive evaluations of the skills acquired during the program. A certificate of attendance is also provided, which requires active participation in the program for at least one school year.

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