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Music, Theatrical and Audiovisual Projects

The NAJBOLJE ZA NAS Project Sends a Message to the Whole World

Students and teachers of the school spent a month and a half preparing and implementing the project “Najbolje za nas,” created during the isolation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The project features a composition written by Đorđe Jovančić, founder and director of BASICSchool, performed by 120 students and teachers of the school, led by student Ana Maria Vasiljević.

The project was carried out using the online learning platform "Online Classroom," which became the official system for conducting classes at this school starting March 16, 2020, after all schools in Bosnia and Herzegovina were closed. All video recordings were captured using mobile phones, except for the introductory segment and drone footage. The entire song is performed by students and teachers of BASICSchool from their homes in East Sarajevo and Sarajevo.

Through this project, BASICSchool sent a powerful message of unity and creativity to the whole world.

"Understanding the situation we found ourselves in, when the Ministry ordered school closures due to the virus, we immediately acted to find the best solution for continuing our activities under the new circumstances. This led to the idea of creating an online learning platform. This project is a direct result of the work of all students and teachers using this platform," stated our founder and director.

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Organizational Unit: BASICSchool​

Address: Dabrobosanska 10, Dobrinja 1,

71123 East Sarajevo

© 2024 by School of Music and Performing Arts BASICSchool.​ Terms written in a single gender apply equally to both masculine and feminine forms. All content on this website is subject to copyright protection. Read our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy.

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