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At BASICSchool, we believe that professionalism and high educational standards are key to our students' success. To maintain this level of quality, it is important that all who wish to become part of our community are familiar with the school's rules.


Below, you will find a list of carefully crafted rules designed to ensure an optimal environment for realizing the school's mission and vision, as well as for fostering student learning and creative development. We invite all prospective students and parents to read these rules thoroughly, as adhering to them helps protect the school's reputation, facilitates the achievement of the best results, and creates a professional environment.


1. Responsibilities and Rights of BASICSchool towards Students/Parents

  • Class Schedule
    Classes are held according to a schedule that is agreed upon between students and teachers. This schedule cannot be changed during the school year, except under exceptional circumstances, with the approval of the school principal.

  • Schedule Changes and Class Cancellations
    In extraordinary situations, BASICSchool reserves the right to change the class schedule after prior agreement with students and teachers. Any canceled classes will be made up with timely coordination between students or their parents.

  • Number of Classes and Overtime
    BASICSchool ensures that students receive the monthly number of classes defined by the syllabus of their department/program, as specified in the current year's syllabus. If the number of classes exceeds the scheduled amount by the end of the month, the overtime hours are carried over to the next month and counted as completed classes for that period.

  • Practical Lessons and Activities
    Participation in public performances, recordings, and similar activities is considered part of practical lessons and counts toward the monthly class requirement. If a regular class coincides with mandatory participation in such activities, it will not be made up, as the activity itself is counted as a completed lesson.

  • Attendance Monitoring
    Student attendance is recorded electronically, using a contactless membership card at designated terminals.

  • Public Performances and Events
    BASICSchool may offer students the opportunity to participate in concerts, musicals, TV shows, dubbing for animated films, and other productions, provided the students demonstrate exceptional skills and/or pass auditions for extracurricular projects. Students with special talents and achievements may also be invited to participate in competitions and festivals.

  • Teaching Materials
    BASICSchool provides students with essential learning materials (notebooks, music paper, pencils, etc.) and a contactless membership card. Printed and electronic textbooks, however, must be purchased separately.

  • Hygiene Maintenance
    The school ensures daily cleaning and disinfection of classrooms, equipment, and school supplies at the highest standards.

  • Public Promotion
    The school reserves the right to use students' names, photographs, and videos for promotional purposes, while keeping all confidential information protected.

2. Responsibilities and Rights of Students/Parents towards BASICSchool

  • Adherence to the Schedule
    Students/parents are required to follow the class schedule. If a student misses a class, the teacher is not obligated to make up the missed lesson.

  • Punctuality
    Students should arrive at class precisely at the scheduled time. Entering the classroom after the lesson has started is not allowed, except in extraordinary circumstances, to maintain discipline and ensure uninterrupted teaching.

  • Exceptional Circumstances (Illness, Absences)
    In cases of illness or other exceptional circumstances, students or parents must inform the school as soon as possible to arrange any necessary changes to the schedule or lesson plans.

  • Health and Safety
    Students and parents are responsible for informing the school about any health issues that could affect the safety of other students and staff. Failure to comply may result in consequences.

  • Electronic Attendance Registration
    Students are required to use a contactless card to register their attendance via terminal. If a student is unable to manage the card, the parent must do so. Regular failure to register attendance can affect the student's ability to obtain a certificate or diploma. Unreported absences will be considered missed classes, and students must attend at least two-thirds of the scheduled classes to qualify for any certification of completed studies.

  • Loss or Damage of Card
    In case of loss or damage to the contactless membership card, students/parents must notify the school administration as soon as possible and pay a fee of 10 KM for a replacement card.

  • Care for Personal Belongings and School Property
    Students are responsible for taking care of their personal belongings and school property. The school is not liable for lost items, and any damage to school property must be compensated.

  • Extracurricular Activities Outside of School
    Students must inform their teachers about any extracurricular activities related to their field of study at BASICSchool and consult with them about participation.

  • Membership Fee Payment
    The membership fee must be paid according to established rules and deadlines. Failure to make timely payments will result in expulsion from the school after a prior warning is sent via SMS.

  • Participation in School Projects
    Students selected to participate in school projects (musicals, concerts, TV shows) are required to meet deadlines and actively participate in all rehearsals and preparations. Non-compliance may result in losing the right to participate.

  • Access to Information
    Students and parents have the right to access information regarding their education, including semester status, exam results, and attendance records. This can be requested online via the eSystem on the school's website.

3. Communication Rules with BASICSchool

  • Communication with Teachers and School Staff
    Students and parents are not allowed to privately communicate with teachers or school staff. Requesting private phone numbers, sending messages via social media, or arranging private lessons is strictly prohibited. All communication with teachers and staff must take place either at school or through official school channels.

  • Official Communication Channels
    Communication with the administration, teachers, and the principal is conducted via Viber, email, or the contact form available on the eSystem, which is accessible on the school’s website. Phone calls are permitted only in urgent situations. The school responds to all inquiries in writing, and parents are also required to use written forms of communication.

  • Respectful Address and Conduct
    During their time at the school, as well as in written and verbal communication, students and parents must address teachers, school staff, and the principal with respect and use formal language. In cases of inappropriate behavior, the school will issue a warning to students and parents.

  • Notifications via Viber Communities
    The school uses Viber communities to send important notifications. Parents are required to regularly and carefully monitor these notifications. The school is not obliged to individually notify parents who choose not to read these messages, nor will it respond to phone calls regarding the same.

  • Comments and Interference with School Decisions
    Students and parents are not allowed to comment on school decisions via Viber communities or public gatherings. For any disagreements or inquiries, parents are required to personally contact the administration or the principal.

  • Feedback Policy
    Parents and students can submit feedback regarding the school’s operations via the official feedback form available on the eSystem through the school’s website. These comments will be considered during the evaluation and improvement of school processes.

  • Contacting the Principal
    Parents must first address their inquiries to the school administration through the established channels. They may contact the principal in writing (via email) only if the administration is unable to provide answers to their questions.

  • Response Time
    The school’s response time for inquiries made via Viber is 24 hours, and for those made via email or the eSystem form, it is 72 hours from the time the message is received.

4. Code of Conduct in BASICSchool Premises

  • Smoking
    Smoking, including the use of electronic cigarettes and hookahs, is prohibited within the premises of BASICSchool. This rule complies with legal regulations and ensures a healthy environment for all students.

  • Use of Mobile Phones
    Mobile phone use is not allowed in classrooms during lessons. Phones may only be used in the school hallways or staff room during breaks. Access to the school's Wi-Fi network is restricted to ensure an uninterrupted learning environment.

  • Use of School Equipment and Resources
    Students are expected to handle school equipment (such as instruments, computers, projectors, etc.) with care. Any malfunctions or damages must be reported immediately. Failure to comply may result in liability for repair costs.

  • Bringing Pets
    Pets are not allowed in areas where students are present. This helps maintain a high level of hygiene and ensures a safe environment for everyone.

  • Bringing Food and Drinks
    Bringing and consuming food and beverages, including snacks, water, and juices, is not permitted inside the school premises. The water dispenser can only be used during breaks, and snacks should be consumed outside the school.

  • Staying in Common Areas
    Staying in the school hallway during lessons is not allowed unless students are going to the restroom or using the copy machine. Parents should not remain in the hallway for more than 5 minutes. Students and parents are not allowed to access the reception area, and teaching staff may only use the reception desk in the presence of management staff.

  • Staying in Classrooms
    Teachers may use school computers during lessons, while students can only use them under teacher supervision. Writing on the board is only permitted with the teacher's approval, and students must wash their hands before using musical instruments.

  • Warnings for Rule Violations
    Anyone who violates these rules will receive a warning. If the violations continue, the student or parent will be called in for a meeting. Persistent disregard for the rules may result in the termination of the student's enrollment at the school.

5. Code of Conduct for Online Classes

  • Attendance and Identification
    Students are required to attend online classes with their camera on and must log in using their full name.

  • Punctuality and Preparation
    Students must be present at the exact scheduled time for online lessons. They should be prepared before class begins, with all necessary materials and functioning technical equipment.

  • Professional Behavior
    During online classes, students are expected to behave as if they were in a physical classroom—without disruptions, off-topic conversations, or inappropriate comments in the chat.

  • Technical Equipment
    Students are responsible for ensuring a stable internet connection and the proper functioning of their camera and microphone. If technical issues arise, the student must immediately notify the teacher.

  • Assignments and Responsibilities
    All assignments and responsibilities required for online learning must be completed by the specified deadlines. Failure to meet deadlines may affect the student's progress.

6. Confidentiality Rules

  • Confidentiality of School Materials
    All materials provided to students during their time at BASICSchool, including syllabi, lectures, notes, exercises, and other educational resources, are considered confidential and must not be shared with third parties without the school's permission.

  • Confidentiality of School Operations
    Information regarding the operation of the school, including teaching methods, class schedules, plans, internal processes, and the organization of school activities, is also confidential. Students and parents are prohibited from sharing this information outside the school community.

  • Sharing Information on Public Platforms
    It is strictly forbidden to share any data related to the school's operations, materials, or resources on social media, internet forums, or other public platforms without prior approval from the school.

  • Consequences of Breaching Confidentiality
    Any violation of these confidentiality rules may result in disciplinary actions, including expulsion from the school or other appropriate measures in accordance with the school's policies.

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